Supporting endurance athletes with practical and simple nutrition advice for lifelong health and performance. 

The Mission

The Vision

To create a world of well-fueled endurance athletes with positive relationships with food and their body. 

Alex Larson Nutrition


Hi, I'm Alex! Professionally, I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist which is simply a fancy way of saying that I want you to feel great and love the food you're eating.

I completed Ironman Wisconsin in 2014 and as I crossed the finish line one of my first thoughts was, "If I didn't have my shit together with my nutrition, I'd never have made it through the day." It was right then and there that I felt my calling to help other endurance athletes reach their goals and dreams.

What's my food philosophy? It’s simple, fun and flexible. I don't eat perfectly, and I don't expect you to either. As an athlete myself, I fully understand the struggles that you experience, and I would love nothing more than to help you gain the understanding and confidence you need to fuel your body to its fullest potential.  

Most days you'll find me working at home in yoga pants with a golden retriever at my feet. If I'm not doing that, then I'm mommin' it up with my three kids. My favorite meal is breakfast, and I live for the weekends when I have time to whip up a stack of scrumptious pancakes. 

Alex Larson

founder and CEO

Sports Nutrition Dietitian Coaches


get in touch

Hanna Cooley

Mary Wirtz

associate dietitian nutrition coach

I'm Mary, a registered dietitian and a certified personal trainer. I have been fortunate to work in clinical and wellness nutrition, addition to working with athletes. 

I've been a long-standing distance runner after realizing the only part about softball I enjoyed was running the bases. I was a 3-time All-American in cross country and track and field at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Clare. I ran in the 2020 Houston Marathon in 2:44 and qualified and completed in the 2020 US Olympic Marathon trials.

You can find me chasing after my two little girls when I am not running or working. I also enjoy spending time perfecting sourdough recipes, cake decorating, reading for pleasure, biking, hiking, and pretty much anything outdoors. I embrace an all-foods-fit approach to nutrition and am overwhelmingly passionate about helping athletes fuel for training and life.

I'm Hanna, I am a registered dietitian and a certified personal trainer with certifications in corrective exercise specialist.

I'm a two-time All-American collegiate athlete in cross country and track from the Univ. of Wisconsin.

I have successfully competed in numerous triathlons and road races, including an overall female amateur win at Ironman Canada 70.3, 2nd place finish at Ironman Wisconsin (finish time of 10:08) and 13th overall female amateur finish at the Ironman World Championships in Kona, Hawaii (with a finish time of 9:55). 

I live in Minnesota with my husband and daughter, and when I'm not running or working, I enjoy playing in the kitchen dreaming up new recipes, diving into a good book, and helping fellow athletes follow and achieve their dreams! 

associate dietitian nutrition coach

check out ALN's nutrition services

Bonus: Fun Extras About Alex

  • I was 14 years old when I met my husband, and I knew right away that I was going to marry him. We started out as good friends before dating as we lived about 3-1/2 hours apart. 

  • I'm an Ironman finisher. In 2014, I swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles then ran (and walked) 26.2 miles over the course of 15 hours 15 minutes and 30 seconds at Ironman Wisconsin in Madison, WI. 

  • I eat and write with my left hand, and do pretty much everything else with my right hand. 

  • I'm a huge Star Wars, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings nerd. 

  • I'm an accomplished equestrian. I grew up riding and showing Quarter horses, in both Western and English disciplines. I don't currently ride, as horses are a huge time commitment (and expensive). Someday I may start up that hobby and lifestyle again. 

  • I went through infertility treatment in order to get pregnant with my first child. I had a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. It took two years, a small fortune and ultimately in-vitro fertilization to get pregnant. When he asks us someday where babies come from, we get to tell him the Mayo Clinic.  

level up your nutrition game with these freebies

free downloadS

Protein-Packed 10-Day Sample Meal Plan

Athlete Eating Guide

Athlete Grocery Shopping Guide




Inspiration to fit 120 grams of protein into your day

Planning what goes on your plate

Putting the right foods in your grocery cart